About Us
As a small town Business Owner, your support means so much to me and my family!
I'm Zoe, and on top of running Mustard Seed Designs, I also have 4 incredible children that constantly keep me on my toes, and I work part time on a Dairy Farm with a pair of amazing Bosses that have done so much to help me keep following my dreams.
I first discovered my love for designing when I had the opportunity to put a nursery together for my 3rd child, and since then it has just grown and grown over the years. But while it was something I was passionate about, I always threw doing something with it into the "too hard basket" and kept it as a little hobby to do on the side when I needed a change in routine to save my sanity. After having my 4th baby this year though, I decided it was time to reevaluate my life and where I was going. So with a whole lot of support and encouragement from friends and family, I took a giant leap of Faith, and here I am!
Every design you'll find listed on my website is there because it's something that truly means something to me. I'm a true Country Girl at Heart, and I wouldn't be where I am today without God's Goodness and Grace.